In a world where the tangible often overshadows the invisible, the vast expanse of the electromagnetic field aka energy, remains an untapped mystery. Yet, Martine, with her unique gifts, easily reveals the hidden dimensions of our world with detailed clarity and awe.
Her extraordinary ability to perceive the energies that envelop our existence is a phenomenon seldom encountered. She accesses the unified field of information of what is alive and sees how it functions or dysfunctions. She probes into the environment and physical bodies, pinpointing imbalances and weaving a tapestry of harmony.
For the last 25 years, Martine Bloquiaux [Blo-Ki-O] has been a renowned Medical Intuitive, author and healer. Over and again, clients have witnessed the transformative power of her expertise, which has captivated audiences in more than 45 countries, online, or during her extensive international travels. Her diverse clientele, including multiple prominent individuals and families, underscores her professional integrity and dedication to privacy.
Martine left behind her career as an international lawyer and global marketing executive and gained in-depth knowledge of ancient techniques and energy work from distinguished teachers and mentors across Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Known for her strong analytical and diagnostic capabilities, she enabled tens of thousands of individuals to recapture a life of health and balance.
Her influence extends into the medical community, where she has taught and guided practitioners in aspects of intuition. Martine's insights are shared in her consults, authored works, 'The ABCs of Energy’ and The Energy of a Healthy Body, and self-improvement materials.
Martine fully embraces her holistic lifestyle in the serene surroundings and simplicity of Maui, Hawaii, while focusing on her latest inventions ofr +photon inventions with the eCube and the healing Pod as main products.