Getting Back on Track

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Do you ever feel unwell, run down or just off track?  Do you feel like there are one or more places in your life that have stopped moving, or fail to evolve in a positive way? Generally, these moments are just temporary setbacks, but if the agony is prolonged, it causes emotional distress and might set off a premature aging process in our body. A lot of the time, we just ‘deal’ with the discomforts, do our best at ignoring it all and just try to get on with life.  

The Harvard Medical Journey states that well-being is more than just a state of mind and highlights the following 6 categories as an index to measure overall well-being as:

  • Life evaluation (are you thriving, struggling, or suffering?)

  • Emotional health (such as happiness, worry, being treated with respect, stress)

  • Work environment (such as job satisfaction or supervisor’s treatment)

  • Physical health (such as obesity, feeling well rested, sickness)

  • Healthy behaviors (such as not smoking, eating healthy food, exercising frequently)

  • Basic access (such as access to clean water,  medicine, or  money for food, shelter, healthcare)

Likelihood is that you can relate to one more or all of the above listed and may sometimes feel a sense of hopelessness when facing issues.  The truth is, that in order for us to really set into motion the process of healing, feeling energized and rejuvenated, we can only genuinely start if we also willing to address the emotional issues connected  to the events which have upset our balance in the first place.

The true definition of ‘getting back on track “ lies in taking responsibility to live our life from a place of authenticity and in accordance of who we truly are, or who we want to become. This way, we invite our body to regain its natural balance or homeostasis. As humans, we tend to adapt and mold ourselves to the life which is presented - we settle. We seem to accept things and just attempt to ‘edit’ life in areas that we hope will serve us or make us stronger. We think positive affirmations will help us weave our way around obstacles.

This while forgetting the most important thing: we do NOT attract what we want!  We attract what we ARE. It is our vibration which creates resonance with what is around us: we resonate who we are. Unfortunately, life is not a mind game or a computer program allowing us to edit life and change things the way we want.  Things come to us because we ARE somehow related to those things! So if we want something different to happen, we need to change ourselves, our core, the true essence of who we are. We can not just wish things there. If not, wouldn’t we all be millionaires or beauty queens?

The trick is to transform our life when it gives us lemons. We find our way to make lemonade and define ourselves by reaching for our authentic power and self. We become who we are. We change from within therefor the lemons which we find outside of ourselves transform into a delicious and cooling lemonade. We are the one who define ourselves: it is up to us to decide if we want to let the lemons tun us sour or if we find ways to become even more loving and grateful. 

Ultimately, the sourness and beauty are all part of our life. and to put it into practical content, Harvard recommends the following steps to bring more emotional integrity into your day to day life, in order to improve overall well-being.  They are simple and tangible steps:

 1. Live in the moment. When you’re fully engaged in activities, you will enjoy them more and be less preoccupied by concerns about the past and the future.

2. Be grateful. Keeping a daily gratitude journal promotes positive feelings, optimism, life satisfaction, and connectedness with others.

3. Do things for others. Happiness comes most reliably from connecting with others and not being overly self-focused. Try to do things that benefit someone or something other than yourself.

4. Take inventory of your strengths, then apply them in new ways in your daily life. For example, if you count curiosity as a strength, read about a new subject. If you consider yourself brave, try something that makes you nervous, such as public speaking.

5. Savor pleasure. Reminisce about the good times, celebrate good moments with others, be happy when you accomplish something.

Ultimately, we are here to experience life fully and by doing so we evolve as a human -- we evolve as a “being of light”. The more we live, the more authentic we become and the more we become who we truly are.  It is by living that we expand our light. We live life. We evolve as a being of light and we transform from within while living in the moment.
